6. Questions with TO DO

Remember that for most verbs you need DO, DOES or DID to make a question.
The exceptions are:

  1. Auxiliary verbs: can/could, will/would, shall/should, may/might, must, ought
  2. Parts of TO BE: am/is/are, was/were
  3. HAS/HAVE/HAD when they are used to make the perfect tense


  1. Can you help me? Will you tell her? Must you go so soon? Shall we call it a day?
  2. Are you OK? Was he there? Am I boring you? Were they at home?
  3. Have you eaten anything? Has he gone home? Have they arrived? Had you met them earlier?

With all other verbs you cannot make questions quite so easily – you must:

  1. Choose the right part of TO DO (do, does or did).
  2. Remember to use the infinitive of the main verb.
ScanStockPhoto, Ann T. Pettersen.

Make questions to these answers.

  1. >
    Yes, I like football a lot.
  2. >
    I am quite good, yes.
  3. >
    I have one brother and two sisters.
  4. >
    My brother is twenty-five.
  5. >
    Yes, my brother works in a shop.
  6. >
    We live in Oslo.
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